
  1. What is Digital Gold Miner?
    DigitalGoldMiner is an electronic digital gold mining platform that offers a new way of mining. Utilizing gold mine gold contracts provided by QM Recovery Inc, Digital Gold Miner digitalizes them, allowing participants to experience gold mining more efficiently and conveniently on this platform, thereby obtaining more competitive and preferential prices.

  1. How to Register for DigitalGoldMiner?

    Simply visit digitalgoldminer.com, go to the homepage, and click on "Register"

  1. How to Contact Customer Service? You can contact customer service by visiting digitalgoldminer.com, go to the homepage, and clicking on the Livechat feature.

  1. What is the difference between DigitalGoldMiner and gold shops in the market?

    Digital Gold Miner digitalizes gold directly from mining companies, bypassing intermediaries like gold banks or wholesalers, ensuring no price markups.

    In contrast, gold items sold in shops undergo processing, incurring craftsmanship fees.

  1. How does DigitalGoldMiner differ from cryptocurrencies in the market?

    Digital Gold Miner digitalizes physical gold based on QM Recovery Inc's gold mine contracts, ensuring stable market prices without bull or bear markets.

    Cryptocurrencies, on the other hand, are digital virtual platforms lacking physical assets for support, resulting in relatively unstable market prices.

  1. Why is gold cheaper on DigitalGoldMiner compared to the market? Is it a financial game?Digital Gold Miner digitizes gold from mine contracts, bypassing intermediaries, resulting in lower prices.

    Participants can also benefit from bulk purchasing and sharing. Unlike market gold, which passes through wholesalers and banks,

    making it slightly more expensive.


  1. How to purchase a DGM USB? Users can purchase DGM USB by visiting the digitalgoldminer.com website. Once the order is placed,

    it is expected to receive the DGM USB within 14 business days.

  1. Does DGM USB come with a warranty? Yes, DGM USB comes with a one-year warranty service.

  1. Does the mining equipment consume electricity? No, each device has a power consumption of only 2 watts.

  1. What should I do if there are issues or damage with the DGM USB? If there are issues or damage with the DGM USB, you can contact customer service to arrange for it to be sent back to the official headquarters for repair.

  1. Is there a purchase limit for DGM USB?

    No, there is no purchase limit for DGM USB. Users can buy any quantity at any time.

Digital Gold Mining

  1. Can DGM USB be transferred? Yes, DGM USB can be transferred, provided the device is undamaged. It can be sold to the next miner through DGM's exchange.

    Additionally, miners need to provide account information to customer service.

  1. How to start mining? Simply insert the DGM USB into your computer, log in to digitalgoldminer.com, and you can start mining for gold.

  1. Is the gold mined on the DigitalGoldMiner platform backed by physical gold? Yes, the gold mined on the Digital Gold Miner platform is 100% backed by physical gold.

    Digital Gold Miner mines gold based on gold mine contracts held by QM Recovery.

    There is absolutely no gold over-issuance or bubble incidents.


  1. What can mining earnings be used for?

Mining earnings can be exchanged for cash or physical gold.

  1. Under what conditions can cash or physical gold be withdrawn? Mining earnings must reach a minimum of 1 gram before cash or physical gold can be withdrawn.

  1. How to withdraw cash/physical gold? For cash withdrawals, users should first enter the desired withdrawal amount; QM Bullion will then transfer the funds directly to the user's bank account. For gold withdrawals, users should first enter the desired weight in grams. After converting it to USD, QM Bullion will convert it to GSA,

    and users can then collect the physical gold at the designated location.

  1. What payment methods does DigitalGoldMiner support? Currently, we only accept bank transfers (TT) via online banking, and USDT.

  1. Do you accept USDT as a payment method? Yes, USDT can be deposited directly into the bank account of QM Bullion Bank.

  1. Can DigitalGoldMiner make or receive payments through third parties? No, each account requires real-name authentication, and payments must be accepted and made through QM Bullion Bank without involving third parties.


  1. Why is repurchasing necessary to achieve a threefold return dynamically? When your investment returns reach threefold, repurchasing is necessary to activate the withdrawal function.

    This measure helps to avoid the risk of market bubbles, ensures the continuity of fund flow, and prevents fund interruptions.

    It also ensures that your investment is carried out under safe conditions and with fair profit distribution.

  1. Sharing and reward mechanism DGM provides a 7-level sharing method and up to 20% profit sharing.

  1. Are there any administrative fees? Management fees are 3%, charged in each withdrawal and fund withdrawal process.

  1. How are withdrawals and remittances processed through the official channels in DigitalGoldMiner? All remittances will be received by QM BULLION BANK, and withdrawals are also processed by QM BULLION BANK to remit funds to participants.

  1. How is the gold collected in DigitalGoldMiner exchanged for physical gold? You can exchange physical gold through the simple process on the official website.


  1. Is it safe to conduct online remittance transfers on the DigitalGoldMiner platform?All online transfers are protected by network security systems, and accounts are directly linked to QM BULLION bank accounts,

    with no personal or third-party accounts involved.

  1. Is it necessary to use a third-party payment service to receive equipment or withdraw funds when participating in DigitalGoldMiner?There are no third-party intermediaries on the Digital Gold Miner platform; all remittances and withdrawals are processed through QM BULLION.

    All gold mining equipment is provided and facilitated by the Digital Gold Miner platform.

Risk Management

  1. Will there be a bubble on this platform?The parent company of this platform, QMEI, and all its subsidiaries are legally established in various countries and have been operating for many years.

    The Digital Gold Miner platform operates based on the physical gold support from QM Recovery Inc.'s gold mine,

    allowing participants to experience gold mining. Moreover, the Digital Gold Miner platform has a fair circulation mechanism,

    and all profits obtained from different gold mining levels are derived from participants in the market.

  1. Is the gold collected by this platform genuine? The gold collected by participants on this platform is supported by physical gold in the gold mine contracts of QM Recovery Inc., so it is absolutely real gold.

  1. What happens when the Gold Contract ends or when all the gold has been mined? Will there be any losses? When a Gold Contract ends, the Digital Gold Miner platform will introduce new gold mine contracts for miners to continue gold mining.

    It will not continue in the form of virtual currency, thus safeguarding the rights and interests of miners.